Prof.Han Guangjie
Prof.Han Guangjie



Prof. Han Guangjie

IEEE Fellow

IET Fellow

Hohai University,China

Brief introduction:

Han Guangjie, PhD, Professor/doctoral supervisor of Hohai University, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow. Her research interests include Industrial Internet of Things, intelligent ocean, artificial intelligence, mobile computing, etc. In recent years, he has published 350 high-level SCI journal papers in IEEE JSAC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TCC and other international journals (among which IEEE/ACM Trans. The number of Google Scholar citations so far is 12,500 +, and the H-index is 58. He has published 3 monographs and 1 translated book. He has presided over more than 30 projects above provincial and ministerial level, including the national key research and development plan and the National Natural Science Foundation key projects. 130 national invention patents and 6 PCT international patents were authorized. He won the second prize of Science and Technology Award of China Federation of Commerce, the third prize of Science and Technology Award of Jiangsu Province, the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Liaoning Province, and the IEEE Systems Journal 2020 Best Paper Award and other awards. Ranked among the top 2% of global scientists for 4 consecutive years (2019-2022), including the Lifetime Science Impact List (1960-2022) and the Science Impact List; Be listed on Elsevier's Career Scientific Impact List of 100,000 Scientists in 2020; For two consecutive years (2020-2021), he was selected into Elsevier's List of Most Cited Scholars in China. He is currently Associate editor of several international journals, including IEEE Systems, IEEE/CAA JAS. 333 High-level Talents of Jiangsu Province (the second level), young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Jiangsu Province, Chair Professor of Minjiang Scholars, Changzhou May 1st Labor Medal and other honorary titles.